
Next Gen Comedy

After previous collaborations on the website design and build for WA Comedy and WA Comedy Week, it was time to give Creative Canary a brand redesign and website brief for Next Gen Comedy. Next Gen Comedy was a brand that had not been in the market since 2017 and needed a complete rebrand to help relaunch the brand and reinvigorate it for 2024. In collaborating with Creative Canary – we approached the design with a new theme focusing on Next Gen being “The Launching Pad for WA’s best new comedian”. We took this literally and created a space theme complete with a comedian astronaut being launched into space. The design was extremely striking and was rolled out across the website, print, animated videos and social media graphics. The Next Gen logo design and colour palette was also striking enough to stand-alone by itself. Both us WA Comedy (the client) and Next Gen Comedy’s primary partner the City of Stirling were extremely pleased with Creative Canary’s work on this project.

– Ronan Freeburn