
Our Approach

Our website build approach

Ten steps of team work

Over the years, we’ve refined our process and developed a stage approach to build your dream website. 

Each stage not only acts as a sign off point for the project, but will help guide you through the process of building a new website. It’ll also help keep your project on track and make sure our team is meeting planned milestones for your project.

We like working with excited and organised clients, be sure each stage is carried out accordingly as there’s no going back once we start!

pre-build phase

1. Planning / Ideas

(you and creative canary)

Before we start anything, we define your requirements. We’ll need a taste of what you like and what you don’t like, what features your site will need, any development required, work out how many pages you’ll need and essentially create a plan for your project moving forward. We’ll send you a short survey to fill out, this will ask you questions about your marketing, brand and identity along with other websites that inspire you or examples that are in line with your vision.

2. Proposal & sitemap

(creative canary)

We’ll need some time now to look at the best way to execute our plan and calculate the time it will take to carry out your project and the costs involved, we’ll cross our T’s and dot our I’s… over and over again. Then send you a proposal, sitemap and scope of works (Psst. You should be working on the next stage already).

3. content & imagery


Now you’re excited and eager to get your new website up and running. We get it (trust us, we love building them). However, we can’t start anything until you have all your ducks in a row and compiled all your collateral in one neat little package for us (don’t worry, we’ll send some instructions and tell you how we like everything compiled). Your content, your imagery, the fields you require on your contact form, all the way down to the copyright information in your footer. It’s all up to you! Take your time and make sure the message you’re conveying online reflects you and your business. If you need a hand, we have content writers, photographers and other creators to help you develop the content required for your website.

project start

4. Wireframes & Mock-ups

(Creative Canary and you)

It’s design time! Our favourite part! We’ve taken your content and your imagery (and your deposit). Now we know you are serious! From here, we’ll need a few days to create PDF mock-ups of your home page and secondary page, along with how it will look on mobile. Sometimes we ace it and we get to start building right away, other times we might have a little back and forth until you’re 100% happy for us to start building. Now is the time to raise your hand and ask any questions you may have!

5. The Build

(Creative Canary)

Alright, the hard yards are over for you and just beginning for us. Now we’ll need some time to turn that plan into a reality. Just like building a house, once your plans and mock-ups are signed off and approved – we lay the foundation and there is no turning back. We’ll build out the main pages and get everything looking just as it should.

6. Development

(Creative Canary)

At this point, we’ll send you a little preview and show you how things are progressing. That’s right, this means we have something visual to show you, so you can click around and have a play, while we continue to work our magic in the background. While you’re watching those fancy animations and clicking through the pages, we’re busy making sure your contact forms are ready to receive enquiries or your projects ready to be loaded and displayed. This part is critical and when a lot of our heavy testing happens.

7. Adding extra content


If you’re building a dynamic website that requires your content to be added (projects, products, services or galleries), this is when we’ll give you a login and show you how to add some of your most important content. We’ll let you have as much time as you need to make sure all your data is ready for your future visitors.

Pre-Launch Phase

8. Final Test & Approval

(You and Creative Canary)

Before we push that big red launch button (it’s not that simple, but it sounded cool, right?) we let you do one final run through the website and make sure you’re ready for lift off. We’ll also do our final tests and make sure everything is still working as intended, we’ll test the basic stuff like your forms, links and buttons, while you pretend to be a visitor and test things like the payment gateways and contact forms.

9. Hosting

(You and Creative Canary)

Alright, let’s find a safe place to lift this bad boy off the ground. If you’re hosting with us this process is super painless and easy. We simply move your website from our staging environment to your live domain and hit launch. If you’re hosting with another company, we’ll need your providers login details and a couple of hours to test and make sure everything we built works perfectly in its new environment before lift-off.

It's go time!

10. Launch

(Creative Canary)

Teamwork makes the dream work! We did it. Everyone is happy and ready to keep pressing refresh as soon as it goes live. Sit back and let us launch this piece of art into the world wide web! High fives (and champagne) all round!

Why our clients love us