Enter the wonderful, brilliant, ever-hard working, ceaselessly incredible and all around inspiring team at the Think Fragile X Foundation. Creative Canary is proud to sponsor the Think Fragile X Foundation, and we take great pride in helping them bring their important message about Fragile X Syndrome to a wider audience.
Now, you may be asking yourself a question. The same question, in fact, that Think Fragile X Foundation director Maria Goss asked herself when she received a diagnosis about her two sons. What exactly is Fragile X Syndrome? To simplify it, FXS is a genetic condition that causes intellectual disability, as well as behavioural and learning challenges in children. Each week, one child in Australia is born fully affected by FXS. These kids will have this condition for their entire lives, but early intervention helps them reach their full potential.
Maria established the Think Fragile X Foundation in 2013, not long after her two sons Ethan and Logan were diagnosed with FXS. Together with her husband Luke, they’ve helped to raise awareness and understanding of the little-known condition.
So when the Creative Canary team met with Maria, she shared her story. We were so touched and overwhelmed by her mission that we jumped at the chance to sponsor the Foundation. We rebuilt their website from the ground up, providing an easy way to view past and upcoming events, buy tickets to events, easily read articles in the media and of course, become a sponsor.
Congratulations Maria on the invaluable work you’ve done so far. We look forward to working more with you in future.

“The Think Fragile X Foundation is beyond excited to have a new, amazing website created by the Xtremely talented Phil La Rosa at Creative Canary.
Phil’s enthusiasm, creative ideas, organisational skills and dedication to creating our new website has been outstanding, he is always a pleasure to deal with and nothing was ever too much trouble.
What has made this experience even more amazing is Phil’s passion and belief in the work our Foundation does – without his support we would never have been able to create such a fantastic website. The endless compliments and messages I have received from our supporters since we went live have been overwhelming.
Phil, I can’t thank you enough for taking our website to a place I could only have dreamed about, I am excited to see where we take it next.”
– Maria Goss, Founder & Director, The Think Fragile X Foundation